merton abbey造句
- A meeting of the Council was held at Merton Abbey in 1236.
- The tapestries are the work of weavers at Merton Abbey in south London.
- Liberty Print Works were eventually refurbished and converted into the Merton Abbey Mills craft village.
- Morris's daughter Merton Abbey.
- Dearle managed the company's textile works at Merton Abbey until his death in 1932.
- This partnership was associated with a move for the factory from Merton Abbey to Fulham in 1888.
- Dearle managed the company's textile works at Merton Abbey until his own death in 1932.
- Most of what is now the Merton Abbey residential area fell within the grounds of Merton Priory.
- Liberty took over Morris & Co . in 1904 and continued to operate the Merton Abbey Mills until 1972.
- Today Merton Abbey Mills is a crafts market and the site of a summer theatre and music festival called Abbeyfest.
- It's difficult to see merton abbey in a sentence. 用merton abbey造句挺难的
- In the 19th century, William Morris resurrected the art of tapestry-making in the medieval style at Merton Abbey.
- They continued to operate the Merton Abbey Mills until 1972, and textile production was continued by other firms until 1982.
- Further south, the Merton Abbey Mills complex had developed each side of the river on land adjacent to Merton Abbey House.
- Further south, the Merton Abbey Mills complex had developed each side of the river on land adjacent to Merton Abbey House.
- Merton Abbey Mills were established by Huguenot silk throwers in the early eighteenth century; there were already textile works nearby from 1667.
- Close to Merton Priory is the market and heritage centre at Merton Abbey Mills, which is on the bank of the River Wandle.
- Merton Abbey station and railway line were also removed at this time and the line was replaced by the Merton relief road, Merantun Way.
- Construction works in the Merton Abbey area including those for Merantun Way have revealed remains of Merton Priory which have been protected and preserved where possible.
- Merton Abbey, as a residential suburb, was developed in the 1930s, sitting to the south of the Liberty Print Works and Merton Board Mills.
- All in all, the tapestry took four years to realise, including two years'work by three weavers at Morris's Merton Abbey Mills.
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